So I'm just recuperating from my 10th amazing weekend in a row! After the Jedi Training Ceremony on Friday where my Jedi's in Training became official Jedi's able to use and understand the force, Kas and I went and got lunch. This started off the fun where we made friends jealous that we were at the Put Hut at 12:30 on a Friday afternoon drinking a beer. We provided entertainment to a woman next to us who laughed out loud during our conversation. Apparently she was eaves dropping when she heard me say "Alright Kas, don't let me drink too much tonight." (Why would I put this responsibility on the birthday girl?) And Kas's response: "Alright, what I do is start the night off with 2 vodka drinks to get it going and then switch to beer." And I replied "Yeah, that's a good idea. Why am I always the douchebag buying Red Bull and Vodka's all night." This was about the time when the woman literally laughed at us.
As I go home to get ready, I decided to ask my mom her opinion on my outfit. Now that I think about it, this was probably a mistake. Your parents are always your toughest critiques. (They don't enjoy this blog...at all.) After several different outfit changes, I decided on shorts and a zebra print top. I came out and said "Mom, is this one better?" And my dad comes strutting around the corner and says "Uhhh NO! You look like a hooker!" I'm hoping my dad at least thought I looked like a high-end hooker. Maybe one for the professional athletes. So I decided that maybe Molly's wasn't ready for the outfit either and changed for about the 8th time.
I did go with the 2 vodka drinks and switch to beer routine. Best decision I've made in awhile. I had a great night, until it was time to go. We go there knowing we have no ride home, so we typically get a cab home. (Which is not a good idea when you're leaving Molly's and going to a house close to Redding. That's a pretty damn expensive cab ride.) Apparently, Danbury only has one cab driver in its entire city. We waited from 1:45am to 3:30am for a cab driver. That's right...1 hour 45 minutes sitting on a stoop being eaten alive by bugs. Shit was crazy weak.
Went to bed at 4:30am and woke up at 7:40am. I then, went home to shower and get ready for the bachelorette party. We started with a ziplining event. It was amazing!! One of the coolest things I've ever done. I walked across a tight rope that was 50 feet in the air! It was nucking futs! Ziiiiiiiiip onnnnnnn!! The place is called Empower Me in Middletown, CT. I highly recommend this for any outing. And I'm definitely doing it again. Maybe, I'll do it the same day I go sky diving.
Yessssss...I'm going sky diving! Steph bought Kasey, herself, and I passes to go skydiving on August 28th! I'd say that is an excellent way to end the summer! I'm turning into quite the daredevil. Thanks Garrison!
After the ziplining, we went back to Mags to get ready and watch her put on a lot of penis paraphernalia. We then went to a drag show. Such a great idea for a bachelorette party. It was an excellent way to end the night. Gay people love a bride to be. After many Cher and Barbara Streisand impersonations, we made it back to Mags to end the night with a feast.
All in all, amazing weekend. And luckily, this week is a short distance week and I only have to run 4 miles today. So after unpacking box after box, I'll end the weekend with a relaxing run.
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